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Can You Really Be Happy? - Bodhi Align

Can You Really Be Happy?

Hi, I’m Sheri and I’m so glad your here! Let’s get laser focused about changing something that doesn’t make you feel good or just loops you around and around in the same cycle. You know...same sh!t, different day! Yep, we’ve ALL been there. But it’s what you do about it that makes all the difference. And we want that change to be finally stick! Sounds like an amazing dream, right?!

Here are the 6 most important questions you can ask yourself.

But, I caution you before going any further. After answering these questions, there’s no going back. You’ve begun something new and that creates momentum OUT of your comfort zone - where by the way, your dreams go to die. It creates new awareness. And that my friends is the portal to your untapped power; to reach your goals and no longer settle for barely functioning....for just surviving.


1. What do you REALLY want? (Hint: how do you really want to FEEL?)
2. How would having this (what you answered in #1) affect your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health?
3. What’s preventing you from having this (what you answered in #1)?
4. Every time these blocks happens (what you answered in #3), how do you feel AND what’s it costing you?
5. If one year from now, you’ve done nothing and you’re in the same spot (or worse), what would that be like for you?
6. What is your takeaway from answering these questions?


Now that you have some clarity and new awareness, what are you going to do about it?


Tag, you’re it!

Sheri Green is an ICF certified life and relationship coach working one-on-one with clients and couples over zoom all over the world. Her passion is to inspire and support you in your journey to living with purpose, health, passion and success. If you’re curious about hiring Coach Sheri, use this link for a complimentary, powerful consultation: consultation
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